Pearl amphitheater Building

Pearl · San Antonio, Texas

Sometimes the best solution is for a building to fade into the background. It recedes and submits so that more important players can shine. In this case a work horse was needed to support the growing offering of outdoor activities at Pearl. A burgeoning Farmer’s Market and concert series required storage, shade, A/V support and above all, permanent restrooms.

Without mimicking historic structures, a non-descript box was conceived with details and materials drawing from existing utilitarian cellars. Incorporates D’Hanis block, terra cotta, and polished concrete floors, with exposed steel elements left to age naturally for low maintenance. The building's roof functions as a “fifth elevation,” carefully concealing utilities and incorporating salvaged and custom industrial finishes to harmonize with the surrounding environment.

This building is built to last, just like its predecessors. In the end, the new D’Hanis walls will be covered in creeping ivy. Even now, guests have been overheard commenting that they “don’t recall that building being there.” We appreciate the compliment.

Architectural Team : Jonathan R. Card
Owner : Pearl
General Contractor : Joeris
Photographer : Brantley Hightower, bridal photo by Allison Jeffers

Project team


Norton Energy Drilling: Lubbock


825 East Locust