Javier D. Alonso

Architect | RA

Javier D. Alonso’s love of architecture started with LEGOs. He’d follow the instructions the first time through, then he’d reassemble them into his own creations. When he was in elementary school, he built a whole city including his own custom home. Javier studied psychology and visual arts at Rice University, then went on to complete his masters in architecture at Washington University. Javier draws on both his art background and his architectural training in his work for Card and Company. Before he was on our team, Javier worked on high-end residential design projects. As part of our team he’s likely to be involved in residential and commercial projects alike.

Javier and his wife have a young son, and he loves to relax with them and cook for them—especially savory Italian meals. While Javier’s approach to architecture is methodical and precise, cooking gives him a chance to lean into his artistic side. He doesn’t follow a recipe, but prefers to intuit his way through a dish.