Antonio Sanchez

Design Professional | Assoc. AIA

Antonio Sanchez is a Card and Company designer who studied architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio for his bachelors and masters. Antonio joined our office in early 2021, shortly after the infamous blizzard that shut down San Antonio for a week. It’s lucky we can pinpoint that start date, because Antonio quickly became such an integral part of our team that it’s easy to forget a time when he wasn’t making our office more enjoyable and efficient. Antonio focuses on our small commercial projects, including coffee shops and restaurants, as-builts, and field documentation. Antonio is laid back with an intense depth of knowledge in the programs we use, making him an asset for our office culture and workflow.

Antonio and his wife are opposites who attracted to make a balanced whole. Together, they have two young daughters. When Antonio isn’t in the office, he enjoys jogging, playing soccer in the local park, and watching fantasy movies and TV with his wife.